Overall Stats
Language Score
Reference Accuracy
Reference Actuality
Structural Integrity
Language Score
We evaluated and scored the level of English language use in your manuscript with tools developed for checking academic writing.
With the full report, you can find the detailed corrections and an MS Word File where you will be able to track the changes we have recommended.
By making recommended improvements you will be able to avoid delays in the publication process and minimize rejections due to poor language.
Reference Accuracy
With this report, you see the possible errors and recurring references in the reference section of your manuscript and by making necessary improvements you will be able to avoid delays in the publication process.
PoolText obtains the most accurate info for each reference used in your manuscript and uses semantic engines and cutting edge algorithms to check their accuracy.
Total number of references
16 72.73%
4 18.18%
To be improved
1 4.55%
To be reviewed
1 4.55%
How important is the accuracy of references for an article?
Reference accuracy aids in establishing one’s reputation as a "careful, truthful and attentive researcher." In contrast, reference inaccuracy may have negative implications such as calling into question the accuracy of other content in the paper. Also, the review or publication of the manuscript may be delayed or rejected as journal reviewers and editors may question reported research results or other details.
Reference Actuality
With this report, you see the up-to-dateness and reference density (number of references per 100 words) of the references in your manuscript and by making necessary improvements you will be able to avoid rejections due to using outdated literature or an insufficient number of references.
PoolText calculates the up-to-dateness for references that accurately include the date info in the bibliographic data.
- Article score
- Preferred range
Reference Density

- undercited
- 1.10
- overcited
# of Citation per 100 words
How important is the up-to-dateness and density of references in an article?
Keeping the references of your manuscript up-to-date while citing the main sources on your topic is essential. Outdated citations and an insufficient number of references are attributed to poor literature search before starting the work and among the common reasons for immediate rejection.
Structural Integrity
With this report, you get a feedback on the headings, declarations, referencing, tables, figures and other major reporting errors on your manuscript and by making necessary improvements you will be able to avoid delays in the review process and minimize rejections due to structural errors.
We assess your manuscript including but not limited to checkpoints shown below and provides you an interactive feedback report.
Main Headings
- Is your manuscript divided into the right sections?
Additional Headings
- Have you included a data statement section?
- Have you included an authors' contributions section?
- Have you included a declaration of conflicts of interests?
- Have you included an acknowledgements section?
- Have you included a funding section?
- Have you included a conclusions section?
- Have you included a limitations section?
Ethical Declarations
- Is informed consent addressed?
- Did you receive ethical approval for this study?
- Have you said which Ethical Review Board gave you ethical approval?
Figures & Tables
- Did you mention all figures / tables in the manuscript body?
- Have you included a short legend for each figure / table?
- Do all cited sources appear in the references list?
- Are all references cited in the manuscript?
- Does reference and citation style match?
- Structural Integrity Report is a computer-generated report and DO NOT reflect any human review. The results and suggestions of this report may deviate due to errors or differences arising from the structure and grammar of your manuscript.
- Structural Integrity check is not suitable for some article types (e.g. letters, book chapters, thesis, book/media/meeting reviews, conference papers) and suggestions and scoring may therefore not be accurate.
How important is the structure of an article?
Every journal has its own manuscript formatting instructions but some sections and statements are common and essential for all journals. If your manuscript has structural issues or does not include mandatory sections or statements, it may be returned to you as a revision or rejected by the editors. Make sure that your valuable work is not rejected due to bad formatting, lack of proper structure or incomplete 'sine qua non' sections and statements.